domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

The mind map

International Trade: In short, the exchange of any goods or services between twocountries is important because:
Generates income for the country
Contribute to economic development which will generate more employment to the country
Allow the country's innovation and expertise in both the production
Business Economics
The methods of investigation and deduction of International Economics is basicallythe same as in the fundamental economics, that because the agents are showing in their behavior the same basic features, except for some nuances. However, the international economy brings its own concerns as transactions are made ​​betweencountries with different currencies, internal policies and external constraints thatadversely affect trade relations.
International Finance
International finance is an area of knowledge that combines elements of corporate finance and international economics. Finance is the study of cash flows. Studyinternational finance cash flows across national borders. International financial management is the process of making decisions about cash flows presented in thecontext of multinational enterprises.

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